Helpful Guide: What Are the Differences Between VGA and HDMI?
VGA and HDMI both are used to connect devices, such as DVD players, to a display (TV, projector, and PC monitor). VGA is a relatively old cable standard that only can transfer a video signal. HDMI is a nowadays basic cable standard for newer electronic devices. When you have a curiosity to know about both of them, you may also wonder what are they used for and which is better between VGA and HDMI? You are on the right page! I will give you a specific introduction to these two problems.
What is VGA Used for?
VGA (Video Graphic Array), initially introduced by IBM in 1987, is a standard connector used for computer output. Through several revisions, VGA has become the basic standard for color resolution in PCs, monitors, and high-definition television sets.
What is HDMI used for?
High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) is an interface that is used for simultaneously transmit audio and digital video from an HDMI-compliant source device, such as a computer, a display controller, to a compatible computer monitor, digital television, digital audio device, and so on.
Is VGA better than HDMI?
There is no doubt that HDMI is better than VGA, in a comprehensive evaluation, for the following several vital reasons.
From the perspective of transmittal, not only have HDMI the ability to transmit more data (which could transfer into higher resolutions and frame rates) but also have the extra ability to carry over audio. In the contrast, VGA only can transfer visuals at lower resolutions.
Signal Quality
VGA is often encountered crosstalk (signal interference from other cables) and length issues. If VGA’s length is over 4 feet, its analog video signal often breaks down. As for HDMI, it is less sensitive to crosstalk but easily gets interference from electromagnetic fields. Also, standard HDMI cables present excellent connections and solid performance. Therefore, we don’t have to pursue the best cable at premium prices.
Input Lag
Input lag is one of the most important factors the users have to consider. Generally speaking, the input lag can be referred to one of two occasions: one is the delay between the operation in a video gamepad and the corresponding display on the screen. The other one is the delay between a display device, such as a TV, and receiving devices.
Without applying post-processing, the VGA connection makes less input lag than HDMI does. Post-processing could almost be equivalent to Photoshop filters. It could process effects such as depth of field, motion blur, and color correction. If the user disables the post-processing, the image quality will get a slight reduction and decreased input lag.
Although VGA could make less input lag, HDMI connections provide the better quality of display than VGA connections do. Both VGA and HDMI have their advantages in terms of input way. In term of choice, you can choose between them according to your internet needs. VGA could offer less input lag. HDMI could offer you better display.
Without applying post-processing, the VGA connection makes less input lag than HDMI does. Post-processing could almost be equivalent to Photoshop filters. It could process effects such as depth of field, motion blur, and color correction. If the user disables the post-processing, the image quality will get a slight reduction and decreased input lag.
Although VGA could make less input lag, HDMI connections provide the better quality of display than VGA connections do. Both VGA and HDMI have their advantages in terms of input way. In term of choice, you can choose between them according to your internet needs. VGA could offer less input lag. HDMI could offer you better display.
VGA and HDMI connections both use different technology to transfer data. Therefore, they have different advantages and disadvantages. However, in the overall consideration, HDMI is better than VGA. If you want the purchase high-quality HDMI/VGA cables for your monitors or projects, you could find GHT, your trustworthy cable connector manufacturers.
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